Here’s everything you need to know about our Gynecology Night:
Who to refer:
- Patients who need gynecologic evaluation and management beyond what a PCP can handle.
- Refer patients for routine pap smears or STI testing to any night at any of the primary care clinic sites (including Main Street) that can perform them so that Gynecology Night spots can be reserved for patients who need additional expertise.
- First Thursday of each month at 5:30pm
- Main Street Clinic
1707 N Main Street
How to refer:
- Appointments strongly preferred, but limited walk-in availability based on first-come first-serve. Max 8 appointments per night.
- Referrals can be submitted via the Clinic Navigator
- Co-Gynecology Night Officer’s: Rania Saboungi and Chelsea Camps
- Co-Gynecology Services Coordinators: Kelly O’Shea and Jessica Williams
- HOQI Gynecology Night Coordinator: Vanessa Acebal
When: First Thursday of every month, 5:30 pm
Where: UF Main St Clinic at 1707 N Main St
Patient Eligibility and Referral
- Walk-ins are accepted, but appointments are preferred due to limited availability.
- Patients who require gynecologic care beyond what a primary care physician can handle. If patient only needs a routine Pap smear, they can be seen at any of the clinic sites that do Pap smears (including Main Street) on any night so that Gynecology Night spots can be reserved for patients who specifically need the expertise of an OB-GYN.
How are appointments made
- Requests for appointments can be made via the Clinic Navigator
- HOQI students and Gynecology Night officers will create appointment on Practice Fusion.
- Main Street can have a max of 8 appointments for a given clinic night – if appointment limit is reached, please contact Gynecology Night officers for instructions on how to proceed.
Services Offered
- Advanced gynecologic evaluation beyond what a PCP can handle. Our specialty Gynecology Night services include endometrial biopsy, IUD insertion / removal, and Depo Provera contraception.
- Basic gynecologic care including cervical cancer screening, STI testing (CT/NG only), and mammogram referrals are offered on any night (not just Gynecology Night) at Main Street.
- Currently working on introducing access to LARC services: implants
What if my patient needs something not offered above?
- Gynecology Night officers will determine how to refer the patient to a place that can provide the care they need
Contact Information
- Gynecology Night Officer Rania Saboungi:
- Gynecology Night Officer Chelsea Camps:
- Gynecology Services Coordinator Jessica Williams:
- Gynecology Services Coordinator Kelly O’Shea:
- HOQI Gynecology Night Officer Vanessa Acebal: