Here’s everything you need to know about our social work:
Who to refer:
- Patients who indicate desire for social work on intake process.
- First and Third Thursday of every month at Main Street
- Second Monday of every month at Anthem
- Main Street and Anthem
How to refer:
- Patients are referred via the Clinic Navigator.
- Patients who are having concerns with going hungry, housing stability, child or elder care, transportation, bills (e.g. utilities), finding/maintaining work, intimate partner violence, or other social situations. Social work is particularly helpful for mental health resources. The patients should be identified via the intake process.
- Specialty clinic operates every first and third Thursday of the month at Main Street and every second Monday at Anthem during normal clinic hours.
- Main Street, Anthem, and Eastside on select evenings
Patient Eligibility and Referral
- Patient self-selects into service based on responses to intake. There are no limitations in eligibility.
How to make referals/appointments
- Refer patients who indicate a desire for social work services via the Clinic Navigator
Services Offered
- One-on-one counseling appointment with Social Worker to discuss social needs
What if my patient needs something not offered above?
- Can try referring patient through medical plaza social work. Information for this and Shands Charity Care available in the officer manual.