Peak flu season occurs between December and February. Flu shots are available to UF students, faculty, and staff through the Student Health Care Center. Availability can be found by calling: (352) 392-1161.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the flu shot do?
A: The flu vaccine can prevent you from contracting and spreading the flu, as well as make the flu less severe if you do contract it.
Q: I got the flu shot last season, do I need to get it again?
A: Yes! The flu virus changes every year, as does the flu shot.
Q: Can the flu shot give me the flu?
A: No, the flu virus does not contain the live flu virus. Common side effects include soreness or swelling at the site, not the actual flu.
Ensure your health as well as the health of those around you by getting the flu vaccine this season, and every season!